The last call. As already communicated here:. ️ Legacy farms on Sperax App will be deprecated.

25 Jul 2023, 14:10
🔥 🔥 🔥 The last call! As already communicated here: ❗️ Legacy farms on Sperax App will be deprecated. Please move your liquidity from farms on Sperax App to farms on Sperax Demeter App. Hey SPArtans ⚔️ Sperax Demeter runs at full speed. Demeter protocol by Sperax helps other DAOs/protocols to foster liquidity on Arbitrum in a no-code way and launch the farms that can be seamlessly connected to Sperax’s gauge-and-bribe system. Twenty-one farms are currently live on the Demeter app accumulating TVL close to $3M on two DEXs. More DEXs and farms will be added soon. The connection of Demeter and Gauge makes liquidity mining more efficient: for users (SPA stakers) who vote on SPA Gauge to get bribes from other protocols in their tokens on top of standard DEX rewards for DAOs/protocols that can boost their liquidity mining efficiency 3-4x. ❗️ Thus, it is time to move all the liquidity to Demeter farms and to deprecate the legacy farms launched before Demeter. The effective date is August, 31st.