SPArtans, it is time for Sperax to thank our dedicated @Elliot_Sperax who is stepping out for an independent journey.
10 Jan 2023, 17:51
SPArtans, it is time for Sperax to thank our dedicated @Elliot_Sperax who is stepping out for an independent journey.
You all know Elliot as the "heart and voice" of the Sperax Community, moreover, Elliot invested his enormous energy in BD projects and we can be sure that these projects will continue to bear fruit for a long time. We at Sperax appreciate we had a chance of working together - thank you, and all the best, Elliot!
@konijntjex and I / @Synproje will continue supporting the Community members on Discord and Telegram. We have an inspiring Roadmap 2023 and the Sperax team welcomes all your questions, ideas, or comments.