New SIP(s) Proposals on Forum. SIP-X: Increase USDC Redemption Fee. Inspiration: Demeter should bring an increase in USDs TVL.

16 Nov 2022, 22:12
📣 New SIP(s) Proposals on Forum! 📣 SIP-X: Increase USDC Redemption Fee Inspiration: Demeter should bring an increase in USDs TVL. We have seen lately that users have been using SperaxUSD as a means to swap various whitelisted collaterals into USDC. This had lead to increased redemption fee revenue, but has unbalanced the collateral pool. By increasing USDC redemption fees to 0.5% this will incentivize swapping on Uniswap versus redeeming from SperaxUSD. SIP-X: Launch ETH - USDs Demeter Pool Inspiration: With the launch of Demeter comes an increase in users swapping assets including USDs. By have a univ3 ETH pair with USDs, routing will be improved for users. If approved, this farm will go live around the launch of Demeter farm rewards on Nov. 22 at 0:00 UTC. 48 hours deliberation window is open. Forum: